Liter of gas Magna rubs the 20 pesos


Aguascalientes.- While the price of Premiun gasoline is already scraped down to 21 pesos per liter, the Magna is not left out and is about to reach 20 pesos, while Diesel is already quoted at 20.34 pesos at service stations in the city, continuing with the bullish basket in the cost of fuel.

Calvillo, in the case of green and red essences (Magna and Premium), and Aguascalientes and El Llano in the diesel, prove to be the municipalities of the state where they treat the highest prices, while the seats with gasoline Diesel and Premium, and San Francisco de los Romo, with the Magna, are the municipalities that treat the lowest prices

In the case of Magna gasoline, which is the most consumed on the local market, the difference between the highest price and the lowest price is only 46 cents, because in Calvillo, the liter reaches maximum price of 19.53 pesos, the cheapest is 19.05 pesos; in turn, the Diesel has a difference of 42 cents between the point of sale with the highest price that is Aguascalientes which manages a price of 20.34 pesos and Seating which is 19.92 pesos liter.

On the other hand, the difference in the price of premium gasoline reaches 60 cents between the highest point of sale which is located in Calvillo with a price of 20.92 pesos and that of 39%. Asientos, where the same product is sold in 20.32 pesos.

located in Jesús María, Pabellion de Arteaga and Rincón de Romos handle the same prices for different types of fuels, for example in the three municipalities the Magna gasoline began yesterday at 19.24 pesos per liter, the premium was sold at 20.69 and the diesel reaches its maximum price at 20.12 pesos per liter

Magna or regular gasoline, which is the most used by motorists in Aguascalientes, manages its higher price in some stations -LGN service. villo, followed by those of Aguascalientes, San José de Gracia, Tepezalá, El Llano and Cosío, which ranges from 19.53 to 19.25 pesos, while San Francisco de los Romo and Asientos are the points where the lowest prices are located the same type of gasoline, due respectively to 19.18 and 19.05 pesos

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