Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe accuses Santos and the British intelligence maneuvers against him | AmericaEconomy


Bogotá . Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, who resigned from his Senate seat following a corruption investigation by the Supreme Court of Justice, has accused President Juan Manuel Santos and the British intelligence agency MI6 of 39, having participated in Uribe, which led between 2002 and 2010 and launched a military offensive against left-wing guerrillas, is the mentor of the elected president, Iván Duque, who won the elections last month as a candidate of the democratic center of right.

This is the first time in the history of Colombia that the court calls to declare a former president, so Uribe and his allies have denounced a montage of political opponents and the lack of ## 147 ## Independence of the court. [19659002] "There are repeated complaints that the recordings were made by the British agency MI6 friends Juan Manuel Santos, the foreign authorities in a scheme against me," wrote the exmandatario in his Twitter account

This is the first time in the history of Colombia that the court calls to declare a former president, while Uribe and his allies have denounced a montage of political opponents and a lack of political support. Independence

The Santos government does not react immediately, leaving the presidency on 7 August and will be replaced by Duque

. A spokeswoman for the UK's Secret Intelligence Service declined to comment on the tweet. d & # 39; Uribe. MI6 operates abroad and has a mission to defend the United Kingdom and its interests.

With the resignation of Uribe, who won the largest vote in the March general election with more than 875,000 votes, the Democratic Center loses its leading leader in Congress where the elected president seeks to promote economic reforms and decisive social and peace agreement with the FARC demobilized guerrillas.

While Uribe's party will not lose its seat in the Senate, it will weaken According to analysts, the community is influenced by the former president

Political Storm . The Centro Democrático holds 51 of the 280 congressional seats and alliances with other parties could guarantee Duque's governance to advance the reforms promised in the campaign, as well as adjustments to the peace agreement with the parties. FARC.

Santos and his peace negotiations with the FARC to end a conflict of more than half a century that has made 220,000 dead.

The Uribe exit of the Senate, which unleashed a political and judicial storm in the South American country, by some analysts as a blow to the new Duque government. The former president is a powerful politician and many believe that he is a power behind the throne.

The Supreme Court of Justice has declared that the trial against Uribe and Congressman Álvaro Hernán Prada take place after February 16 of this year. the former president for false accusation and alleged manipulation of witnesses. According to the court, relatives of the former president had undertaken new acts of manipulation of witnesses.

On this occasion, the court closed an inquiry against the left-wing senator Iván Cepeda, whom Uribe had denounced for leading a so-called manipulation of witnesses. Accuse him of links with paramilitary squads of right and order that the ex-commissioner be the subject of an investigation for the same facts

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