Cancer of the head and neck increases in the population of Yucatan


  • In Yucatan, 20 to 25 new cases of head and neck cancer are detected in each tube
  • Lesions in the pharynx and larynx are the most common.
  • More than 3,000 people die each year in our country. of this disease.

Merida, Yucatan. July 26, 2018- In Mexico, head and neck cancer accounts for up to 17.6% of all neoplasms reported in the histopathological record of neoplasms in Mexico (NHNM), being also responsible for More than 3,000 people die each year

Among the risk factors involved in the development of these types of cancers are tobacco and alcohol use, genetic factors, human papillomavirus and lack of 39, adequate oral hygiene.

The latter stands out for its importance because it is one of the simplest risk factors to master. "Taking care of our oral health at all times will help reduce its role as a risk factor and identify variations in the structure of the tongue, gums or palate that may be indicators of certain oncological injuries," said Dr. Rodrigo Pacheco. Medical oncologist of the Merida Regional Hospital of the ISSSTE

According to the specialist, in Yucatan, lesions of the larynx and pharynx are the most frequent: "In Yucatan, 20 to 25 new cases of cancer of the head are detected and the neck each tube, being the 10th cause of the incidence of malignant tumors, about 50% corresponds to laryngeal cancer and to the oral cavity, men occupy 65% ​​of cases. "[19659005] Unfortunately in Mexico, up to 70% of cases Cancers of the head and neck, especially those of the mouth, larynx and pharynx, are diagnosed at an advanced stage because patients do not associate not a lesion of the mouth to a disease. "Most can be detected just by looking inside the mouth, hence the importance of consultation with the specialist, which can lead to an early diagnosis, which is directly associated with a better prognosis for the patient If it is not treated, it usually progresses rapidly, functionally and aesthetically compromising people, "said Dr. Pacheco.

Facing World Head Cancer Day and neck, Dr. Rodrigo Pacheco recommends paying attention to any of the following symptoms: enlarged tongue or gums, pain, bleeding gums, ulcers that take more than five days to heal, white spots, red or brown on the mucosa. "Any of these signals should be reported as soon as possible to a specialist, who will define the following steps" – Press Release

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