Putin and Trump reiterate their invitations to their country by the press | The World | DW


At the end of the BRICS meeting, in addition to the economic appeals launched by its member countries, they underlined the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, regarding the summit, stressed that "if certain conditions" is ready to go to Washington to meet Donald Trump, and recalled that he has already invited his American colleague to Moscow.

Trump "is invited to Moscow, I told him, and I am ready to go to Washington, if certain conditions are created," Putin said at the press conference following the leaders' summit. BRICS group. "I fully understand that President Trump wants to hold new meetings and I am ready to participate, but the necessary conditions must be met," insisted the head of the Kremlin

. The response of the President of the United States has been swift. White House spokeswoman Sara Sanders said Donald Trump was "open" to accept his Russian counterpart's invitation to visit Moscow after the president delayed his bid to host the leader. Russian to Washington until early next year.

"President Trump is waiting to welcome President Putin to Washington after the first of the year, and he is open to Moscow when he receives an official invitation," said Sanders

. cooperating with developing countries

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, members of the group known as BRICS, advocated the closure of the meeting for increased cooperation with emerging and developing countries. the final declaration, the five countries also expressly demand compliance with the rules of world trade, with reference to the escalation of trade conflict between the United States and certain countries, such as China or the European Union.

MN (dpa, efe)

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