5.4 Earthquake, 6.4 Earthquake Replica, Shakes Lombok, Indonesia


  Earthquake 5.4 Earthquake Replica 6.4 Shake Lombok in Indonesia

Two earthquakes shook Lombok Island; the first material damage is reported (Twitter photos: @SismoMundial)


An earthquake of 5.4 degrees of magnitude on the open scale of Richter has now shaken l & # 39; Lombok island in the central area of ​​Indonesia, about twenty minutes after another 6.4 magnitude hit the same area.

Indonesian authorities issued a yellow alert which opens the possibility

A powerful 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) , which records the seismic activity in the world, located the hypocenter of magnitude 5.4 earthquake, 10 kilometers deep and 5.2 kilometers to the west of d. Obel Obel a population in northern Lombok

The magnitude 6.4 earthquake was also recorded on Earth, at a depth of 7.5 kilometers. ros, and one kilometer from Lelongken, north of the island .

The island of Lombok, dominated by the Rinjani volcano, is in east of Bali, the main tourist destination of Indonesia .

Indonesia is located on the "Pacific Ring of Fire", an area of ​​high seismic and volcanic activity shaken by about 7,000 shocks a year, most of them being moderate.


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