The Minera Escondida union starts a strike vote after rejecting the company's offer


The workers of Minera Escondida chose to reject, at the end of informative assemblies, the last offer of the company and to vote strike, according to the Union No. 1.

The process to decide to strike or accept the offer The company started yesterday in factories and in the union of Escondida in the region of Antofagasta, and concluded Wednesday.

"This measure arises because in the presentation of the proposal made by the company there are clearly many problems that the workers do not agree, so there was an agreement that the most cautious thing to do is to call the strike on this occasion, "said Sindicato's spokesman No.1 Escondida, Carlos Allendes

. The workers of the mining company extended this period of 44 days, becoming the longest strike of the mining company in the country.

Before the beginning of the consultation of the workers, an internal communique of the union provided for the rejection of the offer of the l At the signature

"We concluded together that this offer not only refuses to take in charge important questions of the workers, but also establishes harmful conditions ", the details of the document.

"That is why by acclamation and forcefully in all the assemblies, the partners expressed themselves by rejecting this offer and voting the legal strike," continues the statement.

D'Escondida, they chose not to refer to the union's position.The company operated by BHP, two months after starting collective bargaining, had submitted its final offer to the union earlier this week.

The proposal raised by 1, $ 5 million the first offer referred to the conflict premium to top up $ 15 million, plus an additional $ 3 million that they view as a low-rate loan. wages, the offer includes a 1.5% increase in base salary.

In the meantime, the workers' petition includes, among other things, a wage adjustment of 5%, a conflict premium which could reach enviro n $ 24 million, as well as improvements in health plans and remedy the work delay, which will include workers with 16 years of service without promotions.

According to Allendes, a "plan B" of the union will consist in using "the strategy of the drop" before a possible new mobilization. This option is offered by the current labor legislation to workers returning to their duties from day 16, by accepting the latest offer of the company.

This, because the company must deliver individually to each worker "stall" the proposal last Tuesday. The idea is that the board of directors and a small group of workers will not accept any offers and choose to activate an article that will allow them, as in the negotiation of 2017, to negotiate a collective contract in 18 months while maintaining the terms of the current plan

"Nobody wants a strike, but if the company does not want to reach an agreement, it will push us to a strike and it is there Plan B appears, "says the union spokesman.

Patricio Vilaplana, Vice President of Corporate Affairs of Minera Escondida, said that the company's agreement with the workers stands as the best of the private mining company in the country. While the conflict premium demanded by the workers "is outside the range that the industry has paid."

The first quarter of 2017 the economy fell by 0.5% due to the decline in activity that involved the 44-day strike in Escondida.

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