Retains the legacy of the Rivera [Espectáculos] – 30/07/2018


Saltillo, Coahuila .- Chiquis Rivera arrives for the first time in Saltillo, where she presents Entre Botellas, her new musical production which perpetuates the tradition of the late Jenni Rivera, despite the criticisms and comparisons that do not Do not keep going with the mail that left his mother.

The Fair was decorated with the representation of the daughter of La Diva de la Banda at the Teatro del Pueblo, where it gathered more than 6,000 spectators.

Before his presentation in front of the temple, there were a few hundred people, but once the arrival of the singer was announced on the speakers, people began to approach him until he reached the temple. to reach the above number.

Before his performance, during his meeting with the press, Chiquis revealed the details of his album.

"The album has a fusion of rhythms … during my presentations I realized that people love the band and I too have focused on that and I've put everything then you win

"For me it was very important that everything be regional-band, and I chose very carefully, because these are five unpublished songs, five times, three duets, one with my mother. A few minutes later, the concert began with the sound of trumpets, trombones and tubas, as fans shouted with a picture of Chiquis in hand and raised. Singer's posters in addition to reading the cell phones so as not to lose the details of what was coming.

Chiquis appeared on the stage at the rhythm of Entre Botellas, a song that his fans sang while going from one side to the other of the stage to greet them. Then there was a moment to thank the audience for the love, support and dedication that he said are reciprocal, and noted that those who criticize do so out of envy.

The evening continued with topics such as Unforgettable, Extra Hours, The Necia, Los Chismes and others who began to shout with enthusiasm those who were evoked by the lyrics and inspired by the singer's words .

The setlist also included The Great Lady and the themes of the fatherhood of Chiquis as Aprovechame, The Malquerida, How much I owe you, among others.

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