Not drinking alcohol keeps cancer at bay


A good diet reduces the risk of disease

NEW YORK (HealthDay News) .- Do you need another reason to improve your diet and start exercising? According to new study, this could help fight cancer

"Keep in mind that every lifestyle factor is important and that it's never too late to adopt a mode of healthy living, "said the co-author. study, Bernard Srour, of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research

Eating healthy foods, practicing physical activities and avoiding alcohol are associated with a lower overall risk of cancer and at a lower risk of breast cancer. of the prostate

Researchers analyzed data from 41,000 adults in France aged 40 or older who had never been diagnosed with cancer. Between May 2009 and January 2017, 1,500 cases were recorded

Those who were most successful in the study were those who followed more closely the dietary guidelines of the World Cancer Research Fund and the American. Institute for Cancer Research. According to experts, a one-point increase in healthy food consumption according to the guidelines resulted in a 12% reduction in overall cancer risk, 14% in breast cancer risk and 12% in breast cancer. % of breast cancer risk. The results are published in the online edition of "Cancer Research."

The authors of the study conclude that the "synergistic contribution" of a healthy diet was more important than any individual dietary recommendation. by reducing the risk of cancer.

For example, antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables could neutralize some of the risks associated with red meat and processed meat. By lowering blood pressure, exercise may partially offset the effects of high salt foods.

"This highlights the role of a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition, physical activity and alcohol rejection) in prevention. In its most recent report, the World Cancer Research Fund says that there is strong and convincing evidence that alcohol consumption increases the risk of oropharyngeal cancer, esophagus , liver, colorectal cancer and cancer. postmenopausal breast.

It is also related to premenopausal cancer and stomach cancer.

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