Young man seriously burned by a dangerous challenge


The joke that a friend made to Kyland Clark fell, literally, like a bucket of hot water. The 15-year-old was seriously injured after a partner threw him the boiling liquid while he was sleeping after they had both seen videos on the Internet a viral challenge known as the "Hot Water Challenge". or "challenge of hot water".

"The skin fell from my chest, and I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw that it was also falling from my face," said the teenager, who lives in Indianapolis, in the United States, Fox59 news network. The joke resulted second degree burns on the face, chest and back, and a week in the hospital during treatment.

Meanwhile, Kyland's doctors are waiting for the child's age to recover and that, little by little, his skin returns to natural color.

It Could be Worse

While the Hot Water Challenge & # 39; is now in the mouth of the media after what happened to Clark, it is not something new. Although there is no specific date for its appearance (the Mashable portal says it started between 2013 and 2014), the truth is that it has several years to circulate as a dangerous challenge especially for minors who use social networks and the internet with little supervision.

The viral challenge is to pour boiling water over someone who is caught off guard, or to drink the liquid at high temperature . In general, those who do it record videos and share them on the Internet, content that, once online, motivates other children to participate.

The most serious case is that of Ki 'ari Pope, ] an 8-year-old girl died in 2017 after drinking boiling water. Like Kyland Clark, Ki's ari and her cousins ​​watched videos of the challenge on Youtube, and after one of the other kids challenged her, the little girl, who was going to start the third year at school, drank in a glass of water.

The girl was severely injured in the mouth and esophagus and, although her family believed that she was going to heal, she died on July 30 of this year . Respiratory

At the time, the girl's aunt, Diane Johnson, told CBS that the girl had decided to participate in the challenge to show her cousins ​​that she "was not afraid". After the tragic result, the woman asked the parents to pay attention to this type of challenges and talk with the children, so that they refrain from participating.

Another of the most memorable cases of the 'Hot Water Challenge & # 39; is that of Jamoneisha Merritt, also in 2017. Like Kyland Clark, the 11-year-old girl fell asleep during a slumber party and woke up with severe burns to her face and chest, after A friend threw hot water at him. [19659003] As reported by the New York Daily News, 85% of Jamoneisha's face suffered serious injuries. For her part, the girl who threw the boiling liquid was sentenced to 18 months of probation.

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