The head of civil aviation of Malaysia resigns


The President of the Malaysian Civil Aviation Authority, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, resigned after taking the decisions that were made during the search of the aircraft [19659003] MH370 of Malaysia Airlines which disappeared with 239 persons on board on March 8, 2014.

In a statement issued today by this institution, Azharuddin explained that although official investigation ] "does not imply that the Department of Civil Aviation caused the accident (…) s' it establishes that the air traffic controller did not comply with certain normal operating procedures. "

"That's why, with great regret and after I thought a lot that I decided to resign from my position as President of the Aviation Authority. 19459003 in Malaysia with effect fourteen days after the notification of my resignation, which I presented today, said Azharuddin.Malaisian does not clarify the disappearance of flight MH370

"For four years, I tried to help in the research of MH370 and I remain committed to finding the answers we all seek to this unfortunate tragedy because we owe it to families and loved ones ( missing persons), "added the expert.

The international team of experts from eight countries yesterday presented the full report of four years of investigations which, without However, he is not able to clarify what happened to the plane and where it crashed. [1 9659009] The document indicates that the aircraft was maneuvered manually to head for Beijing after taking off from Kuala Lumpur. , the researchers believe, in the south of the Indian Ocean.

The report uncovers failures in Malaysia's surveillance systems and does not rule out third-party intervention in ion disappearance.

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