Sport can improve the quality of life of diabetic patients and a new study confirms that benefits of football improve bone health and strengthen men's bones and women with diabetes between the ages of 55 and 70
According to specialists, people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are much more likely to develop ] Osteopenia which is the decrease in bone mineral density and may result in osteoporosis . However, football can reverse this effect
This has been demonstrated by a group of researchers and physiologists from the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics of the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Denmark. University of the Faroe Islands
"Our results show that football and good nutrition are indeed an effective cocktail for improving bone health," explains Magni Mohr project leader published in Journal Scandinavian Medicine and Science in Sports and Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark
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When tested in diabetic patients who practice this sport, important benefits for football have been achieved in the health of e their legs and their femoral sites and it was concluded that football l is an effective osteogenic drive .
In the study, scans were used to assess the initial bone health of participants with diabetes, as well as the effects induced by the training football, as well as blood samples to determine plasma markers of bone turnover and bone formation.
According to the results, 73% of participants were diagnosed with femoral osteopenia and 24% with femoral osteoporosis
After 16 weeks of training, there were observed advantages in terms of soccer for the bone mineral content of the femoral neck and the femoral axis, as well as for the mineral content of the bones. [19659021] <img class = "wp-image-53165 aligncenter" src = "https://sumedico.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cuello_femoral.jpg" alt = "]" Soccer is a sport versatile that combines strength, stamina and high intensity workout intervals, making it a good tool Peter Krustrup, Professor in the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern from Denmark
It's too much for a senior with bone problems, but the study found that a modified version of football Football Fitness was feasible and effective for middle-aged and elderly people.
The sport consists of a complete warm-up, balls exercises in pairs and small courts.
It has been observed that this type of soccer is suitable for 70-year-old women and men with poor bone health and prediabetes, who may have severe bone, joint or muscle injuries.
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