Luis Miguel series: Anna Favella joins not only Marcela


Anna Favella became famous for playing Marcela Basteri in Luis Miguel, the series made a call in their social networks for women who disappeared in Mexico.

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The actress joined the campaign #nosoloesmarcela.

Through social networks sent the following message:

"Hi, I'm Anna Favella better known as Marcela.I would like to thank you for all the support and interest you have granted to my character The life of Marcela (Basteri) is a clear example of the thousands of cases of missing women in Mexico.This is why I join the movement "Not only Marcela" of the non-profit organization No Violence to inspire Mexican society and the authorities end up with this problem If you have a friend or a family who has disappeared, put a pair of shoes in a public place Place a sheet with your name with the hashtag #nosoloesmarcela Share on your social networks Let's make the conscience for a peaceful society without violence. "

Here is the message:

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