The capital | Atopic dermatitis One of the five skin diseases most affected by children


Most patients have been living with this disease for more than 37 years, and of this population, only two in ten do not achieve control.


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Mexico City – Atopic dermatitis is one of the five most common skin conditions in Mexican children. It occurs between 1.1 and 3.1% and in adults, 3% suffer, according to the Mexican Foundation. for dermatology.

This disease is a chronic alteration of the skin, immunological, hereditary and incurable, which causes inflammation of the skin almost all the time, the appearance of pruritus, itching, irritation, irritation. , hypersensitivity, scarring and physical damage. 60% of this sector suffers from depression and anxiety.

According to data from the Mexican Dermatology Foundation, symptoms occur in 99% of infants from nine months of age. Most patients live with this skin condition for more than 37 years and in this population, only two out of ten do not achieve control, explained María de Jesús Vázquez, Sanofi's medical director of immunology. , in the context of the forum "Changing Lives Beyond the Imagination." In addition, 17% of patients were hospitalized at least once.

Due to the scarcity of research and technological advances, the last drug developed and approved in Mexico to fight this disease is 18 years old, said Esther Guevara, pediatric dermatologist at the Regional Hospital "Adolfo López Mareos" "from ISSSE to Mexico City. ; In addition, patients with atopic dermatitis have been diagnosed with various diseases before proper evaluation. Mauricio Guisar, director of Sanofi Genzime, mentioned that a person can spend six years before a doctor detects this disease.

Currently, there is more information about this and you can act effectively in these cases; nevertheless, the methods implemented up to now do not allow an ideal control.

Faced with this, people use several medications to reduce the symptoms: topical steroids, antibiotics to prevent skin infections, moisturizers, blockers, clothes, soaps and special diets, additional medications to relieve itching, antidepressants and anxiolytics.

They even use stronger substances that are not created for people with this disease and whose consequences are adverse events such as liver damage, hypertension, among others, according to María de Jesús Vázquez.

Phototherapy, immunotherapy, probiotics, among others, are among the treatments commonly used to control the disease.

However, after twenty years of research, Sanofi pharmaceutical company has developed the first human monoclonal antibody, Dupilomab, a drug that targets the area where a constant inflammation develops and blocks the group of proteins at the origin of symptoms of the disease.

This product consists of monthly applications. Experts mention that the results are visible after the second week and have already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Mexican Accreditation Entity (EMA) and tested in 13 countries. Last July, in Mexico City, the Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Records (COFREPIS) authorized the authorization to sell it for people with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis.

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