Meghan Markle reveals the consequences of her pregnancy


In his c4th day in Australia, Meghan and Harry They visited the famous Bondi Beach. There, she spoke with writer Charlotte Connell, also pregnant, and told her that her baby did not let her sleep at night.

"Meghan told me that pregnancy was like having jet lag," said the 35-year-old writer. News from the sky. "She said that she was up at 4:30 this morning and that she had started doing yoga in her room because she could not sleep."

Meghan has been practicing yoga for years with her mother, Doria Ragland, who is an instructor Angels and this has influenced the Duchess's attachment to this practice which will apparently help her cope with the Changes in your body due to your pregnancy.

Today, Meghan and Harry were greeted on the beach by Grant Trebilco and Sam Schumacher, founders of OneWave, a local surf group.

Meghan and Harry
Meghan and Harry

The dukes participated in the session of "Fluro Fridaywhere people of all ages share their experiences of mental health problems create a "circle against the bad environment".

On the beach, Meghy and Harry lived with yoga and surf enthusiasts. In fact, the dukes helped to one of the assistants to wax his board.

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