An alleged rapist arrested in kindergarten


Staff of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and Federal Police (PF) arrested the alleged child sex offender in a kindergarten located on the campus of Gustavo A. Madero.

Authorities completed Friday the arrest warrant against Ramón & # 39; M & # 39; in Ecatepec, in the State of Mexico.

The detainee was put at the disposal of a judge of control so that the legal situation can be resolved at the initial hearing.

The arrest of Ramón "M" took place without recourse to violence or the participation of third parties, with respect for human rights, the Attorney General said in a statement.

The RMP will continue its investigations into the responsibility of the arrested human in other cases.

The parents of 20 of the 37 minors alleged to have been victims reported the crime on 12 October and during their interviews, said that the children had told them about sexual and physical harm committed by the police. accused.

Yesterday, the federal agency opened the investigation into the reporting of sexual violence against 37 minors in a public kindergarten, after a meeting with the parents of the victims.

"We knew nothing and did not cover anyone"

In an interview for Political animal, Karla Adriana Santana, one of the kindergarten teachers "Marcelino de Chámpagnat", assures that the teaching staff never knew of the alleged violations.

"The MS lawyers contacted two of us to inform us that on October 29, we were going to the MS offices to sign the 46 BIS administrative act which refers to the cessation of our We will therefore be unfairly dismissed.Of course, the concealment of the person in charge, but as teachers, we have never had knowledge of the subject ".

Karla said that all kindergarten staff members had been summoned to testify, but that to date, only she and another teacher have been informed of her dismissal.

"We always want justice to be done, in the event that abuses are proven, but it is also unfair that we lose our job because of the statements of parents who designate us as accomplices."

The teacher does not know if one of his students is part of the alleged victims. "All we know is that there are 37 cases and that alleged abuses would have been committed in the bathroom, but as teachers, we did not We do not accompany children to the bathroom, our responsibility is to stay in the room taking care of others. "

He assures that at no time did they notice strange attitudes or behaviors among minors making them suspect of sexual assault. About the inmate, he confirms that he worked as a pedagogical advisor, but he did not have any additional information about him because his relationship was strictly working. "I did not know him as a person".

"We are only asking parents to believe us, we did not know anything and we are asking the SEP authorities to reconsider their decision as this would be an unjustified reference for us"

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