Salinas de Gortari ordered the assassination of Colosio: senator of Morena


Felix Salgado Macedonio, Senator of Morena, said that former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari is the intellectual author of the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio.

From the rostrum of the upper house, during the regular session, the legislator of Guerrero sentenced the former president to remain unpunished.

"I said it in the tribune in 1994, when Carlos Salinas de Gortari was President of the Republic, I said who is the intellectual author of these crimes, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, he is the brain of these crimes, I sign and confirm it while benefiting from absolute impunity ", he expressed.

The senator asked the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) delete the classified character in the Colosio case investigation file, closed and delivered to the General Archives of the nation in November of the year 2000.

He also asked to make public video BTC-01 entitled "Attempt to license Colosio ", considering that it "is of profound interest to society" to know the historical truth of the events reported in March 1994 to Lomas Taurinas.

Salgado assured that the Senate adhered to the instructions of the plenary session of INAI, reflected in the resolution with the nolio 0001700183518, RRA file 5480/18, to make said video public.

The proposal of the legislator was approved by the plenary sitting of the Senate, without discussion of means and in economic vote.

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