Controversy saluting that of Don Francisco in Miss Spain


The type of reception that gave Mario Kreutzberger to Ángela Ponce in your program & # 39;Don Francisco invites you& # 39; has been the cause of various criticisms from the public, which many even consider homophobic.

The Chilean received in his television program Angela Ponce, Miss Spain -Who aspires to be the first transsexual by winning the crown of Miss Universe– but contrary to his habit, did not give him the kiss.

Don Francisco is known for his kindness to his guests and most women are greeted by kisses and hugs. However, when he had Miss Spain in front of him, he just greeted her.

The driver gave a handshake to the model, causing criticism from viewers who said the greeting was a sign of l & # 39; homophobia.

During the interview, Don Francisco questioned Angela Ponce about why she gets angry when they call"To which she replied that everything was based on the person who looks at her sees a man and according to her, it is an insult that she does not tolerate, when she s & # 39; Is transformed into a woman.

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