Inflation of fuels and raw materials affects Grupo Lala


Grupo Lala recorded a decline in its cash flow from operations of 6.6%, reaching 1,741 million pesos in the third quarter of the year, and a contraction of 310 basis points of its margin, compared to the same period of the previous year.

According to his financial report, sent Monday to the Mexican Stock Exchange, this would be due to the inflation of electricity, fuels and raw materials in Mexico; at the lower margins of Brazilian activity, affected by the non-seasonal costs of raw milk; the political situation in Nicaragua; and exceptional restructuring expenses in the United States.

Third quarter results.
Grupo Lala had a contraction of 310 basis points in the contraction of the margin.

"In the immediate future, my goal will be to spur the talents of the entire company to lead Lala into a virtuous circle of investing in growth and optimizing costs to increase margins," he said. said Mauricio Leyva, new director of the company. , in the document.

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"I am convinced that we have a great asset in Brazil with a team capable of winning in the largest market in Latin America.In the United States and Central America, we act quickly to make both regions profitable," added the former director of Grupo Modelo.

However, the company's net sales increased by 18,758 million pesos, or 24.9%, due to organic growth and business consolidation in Brazil. In a similar way, Lala increased its net sales by 4.3% to reach 15,663 million pesos. The report notes that this growth reflects higher volumes and better mix in all regions.

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