They publish a video of the massacre at the Crimean school



This Monday a video of the Crimean massacre has been publishedwhere you can see how the crime was committed.

A week ago, a massacre took place in a secondary school on the Crimean peninsula in Russia.

At least 18 people were killed and some fifty wounded on Oct. 17 at the Polytechnic Institute of the city of Kerch, Crimea, during an attack at the gun and gunmen. an explosive perpetrated by a student, reported the Russian authorities.

This massacre was orchestrated by an 18-year-old boy, Vladislav Rosliakov, who according to his closest friends was the victim of intimidation.

In the published video, it is confirmed that the student wore a t-shirt with the inscription "Hate", imitating the attire of Eric Harris, one of the two authors of the Columbine massacre, which left 13 dead in the United States in 1999.

In the video of just over two minutes, he enters through a hidden door, avoiding the metal detector of the main detector, to install and later activate a bomb that destroys the walls, doors and windows of the building. # 39; school.

Students try to escape from the building while he silently roams the hallways, killing casualties at random or shooting for no apparent reason on computers and a fire extinguisher.

The young man ended up committing suicide in the school library, the researchers reported.

Rosliakov was armed with a shotgun and had two homemade bombs, one of which exploded, as well as numerous ammunition.


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