Glenda Reyna surprises her fans in a bikini


MEXICO.- the actress Eiza González he's taxed as one of the Mexicans with more followers on Instagram (4.1 million) and the success of his publications is largely due to his beauty.

Whether on red carpet photos, during your workouts or in sexy bikini poses, Eiza's spectacular silhouette is one of the favorites on Instagram.

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On many occasions, the 28-year-old actress stood up against bodily shame and she is now her mother, the model Glenda Reyna, who showed his safety by posing in a bikini at 66 years old.

Proud of her body, the businesswoman and designer also shared an image in which she wears a two-colored swimsuit sitting on a small boat.

See this post on Instagram

Ignore divine information, it's tempting against your own intuition. A thing as wonderful as interpreting with common sense, a body, is to root on the earth for the absolute purpose of pure existence and to carry it and transcend it. in this life. our soul, the body that you feed as healthy as possible so that the soul is worthy, because this boat needs essence to squeeze the seas, so that our body also recognizes the travelers, transforming itself, so that we align ourselves like the beautiful birds a common and proactive community, we navigate in the same space those who have the same quality of thought, the same level of dignity and the same values ​​in the same direction, those who agree and those who go in another direction, the natural selection of life is left behind and a smile so grateful to life

A shared publication by Glenda Reyna (@glendareyna) on

"Ignoring the divine information, it's tempting against your own intuition.Anthing as wonderful as interpreting with common sense, a body, is seizing the earth with the Absolute purpose of pure existence and for the purpose of transporting it and transcending it in this life, our soul, the body that you nourish as healthily as possible so that the soul is worthy because this boat needs gas to surf the seas, so we have the body to recognize the travelers, changing, so that we align as the beautiful birds do a common and proactive community ", has Reyna said with the image that quickly exceeded the thousands of "I like" on their social networks.

With information from the Who portal.

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