In the debate on the NAP, Marko Cortés and Gómez Morin invoke AMLO and Anaya


MEXICO (APR) .- The two projects of leadership of the Party of National Action (PAN) over the next three years, led by Marko Cortés Mendoza and Manuel Gómez Morin Martínez del Río – the grandson of the founder – were facing tonight an approximate debate marked by the corruption that "agonized" this party formation.

In the only debate scheduled for the contest, which will end with the election of 11 November, Ricardo Anaya, the defeated presidential candidate having formed an alliance with the PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano , criticized by Cortés, and Andrés Manuel López Obrador were invoked. The elected president of Morena before which PAN, said Gomez Morin, also lost the flag of honesty.

From the beginning of the debate, moderated by the journalist Elisa Alanís, the diagnosis of what is now the PAN was clear: Cortés has distanced himself from the group of Anaya, saying that "democracy is over" and that " bad decisions were made ", including the alliance and the designations, while Gómez Morin resounded:" PAN is dying, PAN is dying ".

And from the beginning, hostilities also began when Cortes accused Gómez Morin of backing the PRI campaign in Naucalpan three years ago, the State of Mexico – his place of residence – and disputing the triumph of the PAN.

The grandson of the founder denied it – "at no time did I support another party" – and handed over to the money that he confessed to Juan José Rodríguez Prats, that he would have received businessmen while in 2011, he was looking for the candidacy to the governor of Michoacán: arrived with the 70 million? In exchange of what? Why is this normal? "

This story revealed to the weekly Process As confirmed by Tomás Trueba, former Deputy Secretary General, in an interview broadcast today, Rodríguez Prats and PAN NEC confirmed that Cortes had made a laconic response: "Your defamatory remarks are based on the saying of a PAN. "

And he counter-attacked by accusing Gómez Morin of being a member of a company accused of money laundering, which he rejected: "I do not know how much you will have paid to make a file that does not help in The one who has to explain is you, I know what I live, what do you live? "

He then referred to an orchard belonging to Cortés belonging to Michacán, which, according to Gómez Morin, would have materialized after the felling of thousands of trees. "It's amazing how you slander, you're involved in a complaint, and you have not explained why you supported the PRI, whether we are PAN or not."

During the debate that took place at the national headquarters of the PAN and divided into three blocks, whose transmission was interrupted at the closing of Gómez Morin, the projects that each defends are established, the continuity of Cortés, supported by the "domes" ", and that of his opponent who claimed responsibility as a candidate of the militants" on foot ".

The grandson of the founder of the PAN repeated that he associates Cortes with corruption, especially the "ugly", and reproached him: "The only thing you have blue is the tie".

He also criticized him for wanting to create an existing code of ethics. "I belong to a generation that does not need a code of ethics to distinguish between what should or should not be done. We have an ethic etched into our consciousness ".

"Your only strength is your family name," Cortés told Mr. Gómez Morin when he published the one whose candidacy was the product of an "inter – cupola" pact, at the same time. like the group of PAN members who supported Anaya and the governors, who "disfigured at PAN for corruption".

Cortés added that Gómez Morin is only supported by the governor of Chihuahua, Javier Corral, while he is supported by the rest of the leaders, and challenged him before his defeat: "Do you accept the result? Will you continue to be PAN or will you accompany López Obrador? "

Gómez Morin twice evaded the issue, but finally said that he would accept the result, as long as the governors "take the hands" of the process, that the election organizing committee, chaired by Cecilia Romero, Act impartially and respect the wishes of the activists.

"It's good that you have agreed to recognize the results, but with many conditions." "You figure me Andres Manuel," replied Cortes, who at the closing, spoke to the audience who followed the debate at the TV: "Sorry for the show."

And he concluded by urging Gómez Morin to act civilly in the rest of the campaign: "Do not defame and lie anymore".

Gómez Morin answered "no dispute" and associated his opponent with the former presidential candidate: "Marko Anaya or Ricardo Cortés".

For both, their teams gave as winners the only debate in this contest.

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