Avengers 4: The picture reveals the discarded appearance of Thanos | Wonder | Avengers | War of Infinity | UCM | Cine-series


Many remember the post-credits Avengers scene, where it was introduced for the first time Thanos sat on his throne while he turned his face with a grim smile.

Although in this scene, it was clear that the villain was a digital creation, the idea of ​​Marvel Studios was different at first, because they thought they used layers of makeup to create the character.

Through the account of Instagram, the company Ironhead Studios showed an image of the filming of the first film of The Avengers, where you can see the actor Damion Pitier submit to the makeup process.

It is this work that gave birth to the famous post-credit scene where Thanos made his first appearance. The makeup manager was José Fernández, who owns the studio.

"Although Thanos He ended up getting a digital shine in the film, which eventually became something completely digitized in Infinity War, and José still has a special place for this practical makeup design. The color was applied by Thom Floutz, "they explained.

Then we leave you with the image that has been shared in Instagram and has generated thousands of likes and comments.

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