Communicator Gabriel Soriano is killed in Acapulco


The announcer and producer of the public radio Radio y Televisión de Guerrero (RTG), Gabriel Soriano, was killed in an attack on Puerto Márques, in Acapulco, when they returned to transmit the regional report of the governor, Hector Astudillo Flores.

According to the police report, around 8 pm, when an RTG truck passed through the roundabout of Puerto Márques, it was shot down. The announcer and engineer at the station, who was driving the car, was injured.

Minutes later, he died of gunshot wounds.

rtg_0.jpg "src =" "style =" width: 441px; height: 282px; "/><br />Photo courtesy Rubén Vásquez</p>
<p>The spokesperson for the Guerrero Coordination Group (GCG), <strong>Roberto Álvarez Heredia, </strong>in a statement, he reported that the presenter was shot in the chest; He was injured, but minutes later he died from gunshot wounds. </p>
<p>The white truck bearing the RTG logo had two shots on the driver's side and two 9mm pads were found.</p>
<p>According to the local press, a few minutes before the attack, the police were monitoring the area to protect the people attending the regional report of Astudillo Flores. </p>
<p>Gabriel Soriano was an engineer, producer and director of the show Efecto, Cultura Hip-Hop, broadcast on Sunday by RTG's station More Radio.</p>
<p>He was also a cultural promoter in Acapulco.</p>
<p>The announcer was the son of journalist Javier Soriano, head of information at La Jornada Guerrero newspaper.  </p>
<p>Other cases</p>
<p>On 4 June 2017, she was shot by Marcela de Jesús Natalia at the door of the RTG station in Ometepec, Costa Chica.</p>
<p>Marcela arrived on the radio before 5 am to broadcast her four-hour program for her children. At 9:20, according to the police report, armed men aboard a Tsuru car mock stopped at the station door and when they saw him go out, he was shot twice. A shot came into his mouth and came out through his ear and the other hit him on the left arm. The first put him on the verge of death.</p>
<p>On the night of February 5, in your restaurant, "A todos los santos", Youtuber Pamika Montenegro, known as Nana Pelucas, was shot dead. According to the police report on the spot, two armed men entered and were shot and wounded several times, including two at the head.</p>
<p>The restaurant is located in the Costa Azul Subdivision, one of the most watched because of its proximity to the Costera Miguel Aleman.</p>
<p>Pamika Montenegro owned a Youtube channel called Armchair TV for four years, but for the last two years she has been characterizing La Nana's wig character, performing interviews with politicians and satirical critics.</p>
<p>During the first three years of the Astudillo Flores government, two journalists were murdered: Francisco Pacheco Beltrán, Cecilio Pineda; youtuber Pamika Montenegro and tonight the presenter, Gabriel Soriano.</p>
<p>ml * </p>
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