The journalist Gabriel Soriano is assassinated in Acapulco


October 25, 2018

Instead was a white truck, which has two firearm impacts on the driver's side.

Photo: Facebook Gabriel Soriano

The journalist Gabriel Soriano, who worked as a presenter on radio and television in Guerrero, was murdered yesterday after being the victim of a gun attack in Acapulco, in the US. State of Guerrero.

The spokesman of the Guerrero Coordination Group, Roberto lvarez Heredia, reported that at 8:50 pm a firearms report had been received through the 911 emergency number.

In a statement, "the state police immediately accessed the roundabout of the colony of Puerto Marqus and observed the body of a man with a bullet in his chest and launched a operation to locate and secure the attackers ".

Instead was a white truck, which has two firearm impacts on the driver's side, and two crankcases were found to calibrate 9mm.

The man deprived of life by a projectile gun responds to the 40-year-old name of Gabriel "N", the statement said.

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