Pentagon to deploy 800 more troops to southern border, media reports


WASHINGTON.- The Secretary of Defense of the United States, James Mattis, would be on the verge of ordering the deployment of at least 800 soldiers on the US-Mexico border in order to caravan of migrants, advanced CNN.

The channel quotes three officials of the administration, who assured that she was in the process of defining the last details. The signing of the memorandum with the order could arrive this Thursday, they said under cover of anonymity.

Other means, such as The Washington Post o The Wall Street Journal, confirmed the action prepared by the Pentagon to help the country's national security department, supervisor of tasks related to border defense and immigration.

"I will withdraw the armed forces for this national emergency," US President Donald Trump said Thursday morning. His administration has focused on the caravan of migrants, mainly Central Americans, who are currently crossing Mexico and who could reach the southern border of the United States by the end of next week.

Deployment should take place next week.

Some key points of this decision are still uncertain, as it was about National Guard troops – a group of reservists – or soldiers of the armed forces, as President Donald Trump has threatened in recent days.

It is also unclear what their functions would be, because the law gives them a very limited scope of action in civil matters.

The Posse Comitatus Act, promulgated in 1878 and updated in 1956 and 1981, limits the power of the president to use military personnel in domestic or civilian operations. In this sense, your work may include support, training, supervision, logistics or recognition. According to Trump, the only deterrent would be to create a deterrent effect through his physical presence.

As CNN points out, it is highly likely that the National Guard soldiers deployed last spring are doing the same job. Of the 4,000 people who have come to move, there are still 2,100 soldiers on the ground and we expect them to remain in post to strengthen the border patrol until the next day. Next year.

Your job would be simply technical assistance and support, whether for the supply of materials, construction of fences or medical assistance. The work of stopping migrants would continue to depend exclusively on officers of the Border Patrol.

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