Zika has affected the sexual and reproductive health of Colombians


Profamilia revealed a study that showed serious effects that the Zika virus had in the sexual health and reproductive of the women in Colombia, in the absence of measures to reduce the impact of this epidemic occurring in regions with high temperatures.

The study was conducted from interviews and focus groups, such as diagnosed pregnant women and key informants in communities of Bogota, Barranquilla, Soledad, Cucuta, Los Patios and San Andres.

according to Luz Janeth Forero MartinezAs Profamilia's project and investigation manager, the evaluation highlighted the need to be ready to face this situation. series of viruses who arrive in the country and that affect health in a differentiated way for men and women.

"It is a qualitative research aimed at the actors of the health system as secretaries of the municipalities most affected by the ZIka in Colombia, where women were the main victims with them and the social actorsWe are looking at how the policy has been incorporated and applied to deal with the epidemic, "he said.

He added that in the face of infections transmitted by vectors, like him Zika demands that actions transcend traditional public health interventions such as: water management, virus control and protection from bites, to incorporate actions designed to ensure Sexual and reproductive rights.

"How it was not understood from the first moments of the epidemic that the Zika it was a gender problem and a lot less of sexual and reproductive health; the whole approach was focused on the vector and how we live the mosquito, but the actions of maternity prevention Zika times they were not enough, "he said.

This may interest you: Evaluating new cases of zika in six departments of Colombia

Sexually transmitted disease

The researcher added that "understand zika As a sexually transmitted disease, it occurred a little later, which had an impact on the appearance of effects on pregnancy.

He assured that, in some cases, this impact was belatedly acknowledged and that women, in particular, continued to present obstacles tonticonception and early termination of pregnancy in the cases that the law has applied.

"While among the obstacles and gaps that have affected the integrated management of Zika intervention plan, the absence of actions focused on sexual health and reproductive health, weak inter-sectoral articulation and attitudes, behaviors and knowledge at the community level, "he said.

Martinez, insisted that "the Zika it's a sexually transmitted infection in the sense that it can be transmitted by the sperm, that's why it was so important that in this period of the epidemic We will use barrier methods, such as condoms, to avoid conception. "

The representative of Profamilia He added that "the analyzes made it possible to establish that the country had given warning and that the principle of postponement of maternity had been discussed, but this was not enough to make the community much more responsible than this. that she is contraception, prevent pregnancy in Zika period and this is done from the dual protection of women using contraceptive methods and men using condoms. "

The specialist pointed out that Zika It has several forms of transmission; one of them is through the bite of the mosquito "Aedes aegypti"but after having the virus, it can be passed on to another person through sex.

Read also: (Zika in pregnant women)

New challenges

Project and research leader Profamilia confirmed that this study shows that we must be prepared to deal with future epidemics, taking a cross-sectoral approach and considering the problem holistically and unscussed.

The investigation also established that it was key to understanding that the vulnerability of women and men The impact of climate and epidemic events is determined not only by biology, but also by differences in roles and responsibilities in society, which often expose girls and women to additional costs.

In Colombia, in 2015-2016, vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue, chikunguña or Zika, has affected more women than men.

The research provides recommendations for public policy: firstly, there is a need to strengthen the articulation between actors and to promote intersectoral coordination with shared objectives. In particular, addressing the consequences of gender, sexual and reproductive health issues and actions to mitigate the effects of the environmental situation on the health of women and girls.

In addition, the intervention plan of the Zika with the guidelines of the National Sexual and Sexual Health Policy, the ten-year public health plan and the development objectivessustainable policies on sexual and reproductive health women and girls.

In addition, it is necessary to increase the funding to build the capacity of health service providers and invest more in research.

More information: (New zika alert: infected babies may also have eye lesions)

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