For Texcoco, they see it as "very expensive"; in St. Lucia, "retired"


Although 42.6% of the people consulted in a Mitofsky survey are in favor of building the new Texcoco airport, a high percentage of them voted in the last elections for Jose Antonio Meade or Ricardo Anaya. Of those who go through Texcoco, only 39% admitted that their vote was from Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The fourth national survey of the new airport Mitofsky consultation indicates that 29.8% prefer to continue operating terminals in Mexico City and Toluca, and that two tracks are built at the military base of Santa Lucia.

According to the exercise, 62% of those who opted for Texcoco voted for Meade, former presidential candidate of the PRI-PVEM-Panal, and 52.6% for Ricardo Anaya, the former candidate for the Presidency of PAN-PRD-MC.

Of those who favored the second option (Santa Lucia), 43.4% voted for López Obrador; 21.8% for Meade and 19% for Anaya.

Of those wishing to continue working at Texcoco Airport, 54.1% traveled by plane and 37.1% did not. Of those who demonstrated for Saint Lucia, 33.7% took the plane and 29.6% did not.

Of those who thought that the new terminal is located in Texcoco, 49.6% have a high socio-economic level; 41.9%, medium and 39.6, low; Of those who prefer Saint Lucia, 30.8% have low socioeconomic status; 29.2%, medium and 29.1%, high.

They share a position that would be very heavy

For 10% of people consulted in the survey, the main disadvantage of the Texcoco option is that it is "very expensive". The main benefit, according to 8.1%, is that it will create "more jobs".

Regarding the construction of two runways on the Santa Lucía military base, 6.5% of those surveyed mentioned as a first benefit that "the cost will be lower" and 2.8% said that the main disadvantage is that the Airport site would be "removed from the city".

In strict order, the benefits mentioned spontaneously by those of Texcoco are as follows: 6.1% stated that "the airport will be bigger"; 5.9%, "there will be more tourism"; 5%, that "the airport is started"; 2.4%, "there will be more flights" and "it will stimulate the economy", 2.3%.

The disadvantages are: "impact on the environment", according to 3.8% of the people consulted; "Bad land / subsidence", 3.6%; while 3.1% pointed out that it was "removed from the city" and 1.5%, "would further contaminate".

From Santa Lucia, the disadvantages mentioned by 2.2% are that "it will be smaller"; 2.1%, which will be "very expensive", and 1.6% think "it is poorly planned" and the same percentage as "the military base will have to be closed".

A decision factor: the economic development generated for the country

The 35.7% of those who prefer Texcoco said their decision motivated the "economic development" that would generate the new terminal; for 22.3% of respondents, it would be the same if two tracks are created in Santa Lucia.

Second reason to favor one of the projects, 17.3% felt that Texcoco was "safe"; 16.3% opted for Santa Lucia for the "remaining time" and 13.4% of all respondents were inclined to safety.

The third reason 10.7% of those in favor of Texcoco is "tourism"; the "price" was cited as the reason for its decision by 15% of those who prefer Santa Lucia and 11.9% of all respondents also mentioned "tourism" as a reason to choose an airport project.

Of those who prefer Texcoco and Santa Lucia, 2.9 and 5.6%, respectively, motivated their decision to support Andrés Manuel López Obrador; 3.7% of Mexicans consulted also indicated that they were doing so to support Tabasco.

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