The FBI is reporting new packages of explosives; we were for a democratic senator


WASHINGTON – Authorities intercepted other workers Fridays packages directed against criticism of President Donald Trump: one in Florida aiming to Democratic Senator, Corey Booker, and one in New York, were addressed to former intelligence chief James Clapper.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (The FBI, for its acronym in English) the package sent to Booker, is similar to the previous ones.

Trump's critics such as former President Barack Obama, his Democratic rival at the White House in 2016, Hillary Clinton, or former CIA director John Brennan on CNN, have been receiving bombs that are n & # 39; 39 did not explode.

Investigators searched Thursday in the United States in search of the culprit and motivations of the strange plan to send bombs by mail, analyzing inside artifacts to determine if they really wanted to explode or if they were simply pretending to sow fear two weeks before the elections.

Three other devices were linked to the plot – two targeting former vice president Joe Biden and another actor Robert De Niro. In total, add up to 11 in a threat of virtually unprecedented political dyes. The authorities have warned that there may be more.

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