Daily supplement – Excessive use of testosterone and anabolic steroids can cause cancer



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EFE. Prolonged use of substances containing testosterone and anabolic, with the desire to gain muscle mass with less effort and in a short time, can lead to complications such as cancer and kidney damage, a specialist warned.

"There are cases of liver cancer, prostate cancer and acute kidney damage, the goal is to consume muscle mass with less effort," said in a statement Dr. Miguel Escalante Pulido, head of the endocrinology department of the hospital's specialties of the Mexican Institute. of Social Security (IMSS) in Jalisco.

The specialist explained that many people go to the gym and that they put a lot testosterone and in the case of women "they are also androgenized using this hormone".

He explained that before providing testosterone Liver and kidney disorders should be evaluated, as well as prostate function and blood pressure.

He said that the use of testosterone it is approved only as a hormone replacement therapy in men of advanced age who experience a significant drop in this hormone.

In young people, this is clinically justified only when the male suffers an early loss of testosterone and is at risk of developing arteriosis, cardiovascular disease or, prematurely, cognitive loss, depression or fibromyalgia.

He warned that the amount of testosterone which is used in physical training centers is excessive and short term can cause serious effects on the body.

He also stated that once his consumption was interrupted, the muscle mass obtained tended to be lost.

He emphasized the importance of maintaining healthy lifestyles, such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

This, he said, not only helps to maintain the body in good condition, but also the physical structure, including delaying the development of sarcopenia in old age, which is precisely the loss. of muscle mass that accompanies aging.

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