Scientific study: wealthy people more exposed to cancer | surveys | The health


A recent scientific study indicates that tall people They would not be as healthy as you think because the latest research would indicate that they could be suffering from serious illnesses.

The research was published in the journal "Proceedings of Royal Society B" in the United States, where the scientific studies He notes that people who exceed two meters in length have a higher risk of developing cancer.

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In fact, tall people have more cells, which leads to an extension of the disease. This conclusion was drawn from the analysis by which a group of people was submitted.

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For this, the scientific studies I have to investigate the population of the three continents of the world, from which they discovered that men and women were at risk of contracting cancer.

The disease develops when cells stop functioning and invade cancer cells responsible for the evolution of tumors in the body.

The author of the scientific study, Leonard Nunney, of the University of California Riverside, commented on the following to the AFP agency: "The risk of developing different types of cancer is more likely in tall people simply because they have more cells, and therefore more likely that these cells become cancerous.This means that this extra risk (… ) can not be reduced

The investigation He also showed that tall people not only run a higher risk of cancer, but also develop a "melanoma" because they have a larger cell radius and simply more skin than people of average height.

As for other types of cancer, such as cancer of the stomach, cancers of the oral cavity or cervix, in some women, it is possible that this cancer is not related to height, but to cancer. Other factors.

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"The environment and genetic factors act during childhood and both have a strong effect on adult size"Nunney remarked. In addition, "There is no reason to think that its effects on cancer risk are different because the vector is the number of cells. ".

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Despite what was said in the scientific study, the researcher commented that "High people should not worry because size is not the sole factor nor the main factor in the development of the disease."

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