Avalan Marijuana for recreational purposes; The Supreme Court renders its jurisprudence



The way to legalize marijuana is planted: any citizen can already get a license from the federal government to recreate the grass in a recreational manner.

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) yesterday completed the five amparos necessary to create a binding jurisprudence at the national level and that, under the protection of a judge, the Cofepris authorizes the recreational use of cannabis to people to whom he had previously refused the use of cannabis. authorization of this practice.

As Excelsior He said last week, five members of the SCJN's first chamber discussed two sentencing proposals regarding the unconstitutionality of the rules prohibiting the Ministry of Health from allowing marijuana use for recreational purposes.

Henceforth, all judges in the country must apply this criterion and grant protection to those who come because they have been banned or have prevented the fun self-consumption of marijuana, "said Minister Arturo Zaldívar during the meeting. An interview.

The case law in no way implies the authorization to perform acts of trade, supply or distribute cannabis.

Recreational use of marijuana, legal

The judges are obliged to protect the plaintiff so that he can appear before Cofepris to obtain the corresponding permit.

The legalization of marijuana is progressing. Now, with protection in hand, which must be granted by a judge, anyone who wishes can obtain a consumption permit for recreational purposes.

And yesterday, the first chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation has completed the five amparos necessary for the creation of a binding case law at the national level, so that with the 39, With the help of a judge in administrative matters, Cofepris authorizes the authorization of recreational and recreational consumption.

As he advanced Excelsior Last week, five members of the first chamber of the Court considered two sentencing projects, one presented by the Minister Norma Piña, the other by Arturo Zaldívar, which focused on the issue of criminal justice. unconstitutionality of the rules establishing the prohibition of the Health Secretariat authorizes self-consumption for recreational purposes.

In an interview, Minister Zaldívar explained that, in the two amparo granted, the change of route is consolidated and that they are important because the jurisprudence of the five previous ones is integrated, which declares the prohibition absolute use of marijuana for recreational purposes.


Henceforth, all judges in the country must apply this Court test and grant protection to people who come because they have been banned or have prevented the fun self-consumption of marijuana.

This also opens a very clear door for the general declaration of unconstitutionality to be analyzed in plenary session, from which, if eight votes are obtained, this unconstitutionality would be declared with general effects and from there it would not be possible. more necessary that people come to the amparo trial, "he explained.

He insisted that it would be desirable that, according to this case law, Congress analyze the issue and regulate the mischievous consumption of marijuana.

Minister Piña Hernández stated in her proposal that by using cannabis for recreational purposes, the plaintiffs would not be liable to the offenses against health provided for by both the General Health Law and the Federal Penal Code. .

The previous declaration of unconstitutionality does not imply the authorization to perform acts of commerce, supply or any other act referring to the alienation and / or distribution of the substances mentioned above, it being understood that for these acts no exercise of the right to the free development of the personality must not harm third parties, "the proposal states.

The project that initially introduced Minister Zaldívar remained in the same direction, as he proposed three years ago on November 4, 2015. Both cases were resolved by a majority of four votes.

Articles of the General Health Law are declared unconstitutional in the normative parts that prohibit the Ministry of Health from issuing permits to carry out activities related to self-consumption for recreational or recreational purposes – acquiring seeds, seeding , cultivating, The collection, preparation, possession and transport of the narcotic cannabis and psychotropic "THC", exposes the sentence discussed yesterday by the first chamber of the Court.

The elected government welcomes

By Arturo Páramo

The elected government has considered with sympathy the jurisprudence dictated by the Supreme Court of Justice decriminalizing the recreational use of marijuana.

Meeting for a working session with the president-elect, officials of the next cabinet assured that the decision of the Court was parallel to the policy that will guide the next Mexican government.

The global trend is to liberalize the use of marijuana for medical and medical purposes, and I think this is consistent with this trend, which has deserved to gain ground in the world, especially, "said Alfonso Durazo, future secretary to Public Safety.

Alfonso Durazo went yesterday to a hotel in Colonia Roma, where the next cabinet met with the elected president. Photo: Cuartoscuro

According to Durazo, the issue was addressed in peacemaking forums, in which the majority spoke of regulating the use of cannabis in order to reduce insecurity in the country.

Almost 100% of the participants recommended that the next government review the drug policy, especially the chapter banning drug use, "said the future head.

Alejandro Encinas, proposed as future under-secretary for governance in the field of human rights, said that this case law would pave the way for the fight against drug cartels, but would not be the only one.

It will be a factor, although it is not the only activity to which the crime is dedicated, but it will limit one of the sources of economic, patrimonial and power and fire development that has allowed this level of crime in the country . "said Encinas.

Members of next cabinet They met the elected president in a hotel in Colonia Roma.


  • Australia: establishes its use for medical or scientific purposes.
  • Canada: legal medicinal use; regulated sale in some cities.
  • Chile: culture; Consumption, sale and distribution for medical purposes.
  • Colombia: regulates a maximum of 22 grams per person.
  • Costa Rica: its consumption and culture are decriminalized.
  • Mexico: Scientific and scientific scientific use, with a THC content of up to 1%; legal culture for medical and scientific use.


Marijuana is a drug that alters the mental state of the user and is considered hallucinogenic when taken in large quantities.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

The main active ingredients of marijuana are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which has a psychoactive effect.


In the debate yesterday at the Court, the only adverse vote was that of Minister Jorge Pardo, who claims since 2015 that the issue of acquiring cannabis seeds has not been fully included in the application for authorization. For Cofepris, the initial act aimed at guaranteeing self-consumption would thus be punished.

The initial part of this chain of self-consumption is still considered an offense under the Federal Penal Code, which consists of the acquisition, where appropriate, of the semen or narcotic. In the absence of the respective authorization, the behavior would be typical and would be considered a crime, "said Pardo Rebolledo.

Up to now, only two shelters, one from the first chamber and the other from the second, have been granted for the acquisition of the seed and it has been established that the The resulting ban also violated the free development of the personality.

They suggest alert by use

According to scientific evidence, marijuana can cause problems with memory, learning, depression and, in some cases, psychotic epidemics.

According to Fernando Cano Valle, executive secretary of the National Bioethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, the recreation of the population should be a possibility, to the extent that they are accompanied by an awareness of its consumption and strengthening of the system health. the attention of drug addicts.

-Ximena Mejía

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