Parkinson | One study indicates that withdrawal from the annex can reduce the risk of illness up to 20%


In the magazine Science a group of scientists published an article about a discovery that, in the 90's, was considered nonsense: people who had their appendix removed (following a surgical procedure) 20% less likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

Scientific discovery was based on the database of 1.6 million people who underwent an operation in the appendix. Scientists then compared this information to another group of nonoperated patients, then found that those who did not have this body were 20% less likely to develop. ParkinsonElmer Huerta, RPP News' medical adviser, told the program "La Rotativa del Aire".

Another important discovery was finding up to 5 times more alpha-synuclein protein concentration in appendages of those who developed Parkinson's disease. This protein is found in the brains of people with neurological disorders.

How is Parkinson's protein transferred from the appendix to the brain?

Elmer Huerta explained that the human being has a big nerve that connects his intestines to the brain, which is known as the vagus or vagus nerve.

This is distributed in the intestines, then forms a thick cord and goes to the brain. "There, to the point where this great nerve enters, is also the highest concentration of this chemical substance (alpha-synuclein)"Said the doctor.

Huerta said that the authors of the investigation had the intuition that there is a substance in the environment that triggers the formation of the protein in the appendix and then go to the brain.

The study also revealed that The withdrawal of the annex reduces, up to 20%, the risk of suffering Parkinson. This it is exclusive among people who live in rural areas. Previous studies have shown that there is a close relationship between insecticides and artisanal water with the development of this neurological disease.

"It could be people living in rural areas are more exposed to these substances and removal from the annex obviously protects them, "said Huerta.

Research published in Science opens the door to a series of scientific possibilities. Among these, the future development of drugs for Parkinson's disease, but not only in the brain, but at the level of the appendix.

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