SEC: dozens of investigations have been opened on ICOs and cryptoactives | CryptoNews


The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced, in its report on the year-end 2018, that during the last cycle, "dozens of investigations" relating to the initial offers in foreign currency (ICO) were opened and cryptoactive The division of execution, as well as the new cybernetic unit, report in its report that there are cases in which "the technology related to the chain of blocks is nothing more than an appearance of direct fraud ".

Although the SEC does not specify the number of open files in the last twelve months, The Commission indicates that many "were in progress by the end of the 2018 financial year". Unlike reports from previous years, in which IOs were barely named or adopted without any control, the last word of the word "OI" is cited 30 times in the last edition of the report. In the document of 2017 appears only 3 times, while in the 2016 is named nowhere.

In the 45-page report, published this Friday, Nov. 2, signed by Stephanie Avakian and Steven Peikin, co-directors of the Execution Division, a comprehensive section is dedicated to this topic, titled "ICOs and Digital Assets" in which the initial currency offers are described as follows:

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