Luz Salgado: "I see the elections of 2021 rather complicated for Fujimorismo" | Politics


The former president of the congress Luz Salgado He said that he saw "quite complicated" elections of 2021 for Fujimorismo because of the situation in which passes Fuerza Popular. In this sense, he felt that "many things" should be corrected and that "mea culpa" should be done for his actions.

"The elections of 2021, I see that it is very complicated for Fujimorism, we have to do a lot of work and I hope that new tunes will come, that this dark night will happen, I do not know, in politics, we can not get things done that fast, "he said. Salgado in an interview with Canal N.

"We still have a lot of time to recompose, there is a transition committee, there are a lot of things to fix, there are a lot of mea culpa we have to do," he said.

Fuerza Popular's alternative spokeswoman said Keiji Fujimori's "pre-trial hearing" was a media trial. He questioned Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho on "advanced opinion" in front of the other accused of belonging to a criminal organization within the party.

"There are people who do not respect the law or the Constitution and we have witnessed a lawsuit for the media and we are helpless." Messrs. Figari and Herz, who will listen to the judge, already know that they are with the rope. neck, why will defend lawyers if you already have a decision? "he asked.

Asked about the tweet of his benchmate Tamar Arimborgo, who compared President Martín Vizcarra to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Salgado He attributed this comment to the lack of experience of his colleague's press.

Salgado said that he would have recommended to Arimborgo – who is also acting spokesperson for Fuerza Popular – not to make this comparison.

"I see Tamar, who just got into the press, and I think that he has to think about the path to follow before writing this sort of thing, I would have recommended that you 're he does not write this tweet, "he said.

"We must always think twice before saying it," he added.

Regarding the complaint filed last Sunday on their cell phone – it was later revealed that there was an instant synchronization between the two devices – the former president of the Parliament said that a similar situation had never happened to him despite its use. two teams

"Two journalists who saw what was happening, a rare thing in the media on my iPhone, explained to me that a mechanism I had never used had been activated. three years and my cell phone is over ten years old in the same number and it never happened, "he said. Salgado.

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