The first migrants arrive at CDMX; they give them food


The IASIS Mexico City offered food to migrants. Photo taken from Twitter: @IASISCDMX

The IASIS Mexico City offered food to migrants. Photo taken from Twitter: @IASISCDMX


The afternoon of this Saturday the first migrants arrived in Mexico City Central Americans who left Puebla from where they came from Veracruz.

According to some caravan coordinators in this municipality, can be identified because they are wearing a blue badge in which their rights as migrants are indicated.

The caravan of migrants was divided: an important party made the decision to leave Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz, to go to Puebla, and from there. get "aventones" to get to the country's capital.

Meanwhile, others have decided stay in the hostel that has been installed in Isla Islandfrom where on this Sunday they will go to Cordoba, Veracruz, from there to Puebla and then to the Mexican capital.

This Saturday, the preparations to allow the Estadio Jesús Martínez "Palillo", from Magdalena Mixhuca, as a refuge to receive up to five thousand 500 Central American migrants who would arrive in Mexico City.

After deciding to get ahead of the caravan, half a dozen Honduran migrants they arrived this Saturday afternoon in Mexico City at the hostel which is activated in the office of the mayor of Iztacalco.

The migrants were able to arrive earlier at Estadio Jesús Martínez "Palillo" because they were lucky that a person who came to the capital of the country made them do a "tour". At night, the Institute of Assistance and Social Integration (IASIS) of Mexico City He offered them food.

IASIS indicated through its Twitter account that, on instruction from the Ministry of Social Development, was assisting migrants at the shelter of the sports palace of the country's capital, considered an urban sanctuary.

Until the afternoon of this Saturday three other tents were missing in the stadium, as well as fill eight of the 12 tanks of five thousand liters of water that will serve to provide the vital liquid to people.

The hostel was to be ready on Tuesday and it will be possible to serve about five thousand 500 migrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras entering the caravan.

** Notimex


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