Cases of zika exceed those of dengue and chikungunya in Tarija »El País Tarija


Unlike previous years, the positive cases of Zika outweigh those of Dengue and Chikungunya. The first disease has more consequences because it is the cause of malformations in pregnant women, which is why the controls are extreme. The departmental health service (Headquarters) speaks of increased vigilance of this pathology, especially in pregnant women.
According to the epidemiological report of week 43, there are 35 cases of dengue, six of chikungunya and 49 of zika. The most affected municipalities are Villa Montes and Yacuiba. The trend is that with the arrival of the first rains and the increase in temperature, the number of people with one of these diseases increases.
Claudia Montenegro, Head of the Epidemiology Unit at headquarters, explained that she reinforced the surveillance of this pathology, in that the most serious are the malformations caused to pregnant women. It is not for nothing that there is a national provision in this area, because it is also the one with the least symptoms.

"Surveillance has increased in pregnant women, the monitoring of births with malformations, as well as that of pregnant women," said the official. Last year, we had three children with zika and malformations, which are followed. To date, there have been two cases of pregnant women but their baby was in good health. "
According to Vice President of the Bolivian Society of Public Health, Walter Santa Cruz, the surveillance of this disease is important because it is transmitted not only by vectors (mosquitoes), but also by blood transfusion and sexual contact, unlike to his illness. other pairs that are chikungunya and dengue.
Although during the cold season the vectors (Aedes aegypti mosquito) decrease, continuous transmission can be provided by sexual or blood transfusion, which is not related to climate change.
In the sexual transmission part, Santa Cruz, by examining the studies carried out, revealed that after the infection with the Zika virus, it remained viable in the sperm of the man or the vaginal fluid of the woman until three months and in some cases up to six months. . And it is that the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that in five countries, the transmission of the disease has already occurred in this manner.

The most common symptoms of Zika are mild fever and rash (rash or rash). It usually accompanies conjunctivitis, muscle or joint pain, accompanied by a general malaise that begins between two and seven days after the bite of an infected mosquito.
One in four infected people develops the symptoms of the disease and in those who suffer, the pathology is usually benign. The symptoms are similar to those of dengue or chikungunya.
Montenegro has argued that dengue fever is the most dramatic symptomatology, because of the general malaise that drives people to follow its chikungunya with joint pain, but that Zika, beyond a reddening of the ocular mucus, does not does not occur.

Destruction of mosquito breeding sites

One of the ways to prevent dengue fever, chikunya and zika, is to destroy the creators of the mosquito transmitter, Aedes aegyti, who prefers clean water containers, such as tires off. of use, or any other container. it's outside. But it is also important to weed houses, mesh doors and benefits, the use of mosquito nets.

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