Car sales increased in October: INEGI – Finance – Notes


November 05, 2018

With information from Notimex
Azteca TV

In October, sales had increased 0.61%, but they decreased by 6.45% in annual value, according to the administrative register of the light vehicle industry.

Mexico City – Last October, 115 thousand 362 light vehicles were sold in the country, which represents a slight recovery of 0.61 percent from the previous month, when 114,000,653 units were sold, reported the company. National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)

According to the most recent figures from the administrative register of the light vehicle industry of INEGI, the car industry recorded a decline in the sale of light vehicles in October in October, with 115,000 362 sold, or 6.45% per year. one hundred percent less than in the same month of 2017.

The automotive sector has estimated a high probability of closing the year with sales of less than one million and 450,000 vehicles.

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