Drug-resistant superbugs kill 33,000 people each year in Europe


The infections with resistant superbugs Several antibiotics experts kill about 33,000 people each year in Europe, health experts said Monday. The burden of these diseases is comparable to that of influenza, tuberculosis and HIV.

An analysis of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) showed that the impact of drug-resistant infections has increased since 2007, with a worrying increase in the number of resistant bacteria even antibiotics of last resort, including a class of medications called carbapenemases.

"This (…) is worrisome because these antibiotics are the last available treatment option, and when they are no longer effective, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to treat the infections," said the ECDC in a statement.

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Experts estimate that about 70% of bacteria that can cause an infection already resist at least one antibiotic commonly used to treat them.

This has transformed the evolution of "superbugs", which can escape one or more drugs, in one of the biggest threats that the drug faces today.

The study of the ECDC, published in the journal Infectious diseases lancet, has focused on five types of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the European Union and in the European Economic Area (EU / EEA).

He discovered that about 75% of the burden of superbugs is due to infections contracted in hospitals and health clinics, known as health care-associated infections (IAS).

"Strategies to avoid and control antibiotic-resistant bacteria require coordination at EU / EEA and global level," he said. He added that because of variations in the number of cases and types of antibiotic-resistant bacteria responsible for infections in different countries, prevention and control measures should be adapted to national circumstances.

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