Peña Nieto thanks the Mexican Business Council for its support


President Enrique Peña Nieto met this afternoon with members of the Mexican Business Council with whom he discussed the next mandate of his administration - Photo: Presidencia

President Enrique Peña Nieto met this afternoon with members of the Mexican Business Council with whom he discussed the next mandate of his administration – Photo: Presidencia


A few weeks after Mexico, the United States and Canada announced their intention to implement the new trade treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA). The President of the USMCA, Enrique Peña Nieto, has the negotiating team of our country, made up of officials of the secretariats of the economy and external relations, the Coordinating Council of Enterprises and the Government elected, has been widely recognized.

"And, first of all, I want to thank the President-elect of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, because he has shown great openness, especially to be able to communicate with him as regularly or as frequently as needed to establish a common front and this was achieved.There were no major differences.

"There were accents, obviously what to emphasize between what the government of the Republic had negotiated and the vision that the next government, and these accents were integrated," said the president in front of Jesus Seade, representative of the elected government.

In the official residence of Los Pinos, the general manager admitted that with the arrival of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, the future of NAFTA to the US era was seriously threatened. However, he said, it is thanks to the dialogue and moderation with which bilateral relations with the northern neighbor have been managed that agreement has been reached.

In this sense, he recalled the meeting he had with Trump on August 31, 2016 in Los Pinos and who, despite the criticisms, opened a path of understanding.

"And yet, the complexity of receiving it right here in this space finally left, paradoxically and ironically, an open door to who would become the president of the United States.

"This agreement, truly outstanding, was part of a very complex scenario and had to be canceled because there may have been poorly understood visions at a starting point," Peña Nieto said.

The Secretary for External Relations, Luis Videgaray, congratulated President Peña Nieto for having bet "on the dialogue, serenity, diplomacy, discipline and technical solution to the negotiation" of the trade agreement and in particular on the relationship with the neighbor of the north

"Beyond the political calendars, beyond the levels of presidential approval, risk-taking, cost-taking, today you have put Mexico in an unimaginable position less than two years ago. He has made the commercial relationship between Mexico and the United States one of our greatest strengths for the future, "said Videgaray.


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