Uruguay studies the possibilities of hydrogen for the future of energy


President of ANCAP, Marta Jara. Photo: Presidency of the Republic.
President of ANCAP, Marta Jara. Photo: Presidency of the Republic.

The seminar took place on Tuesday, November 6: "Hydrogen in Uruguay, a commitment to sustainable development".

Hydrogen is analyzed in some countries of the world because of its "zero emission", which provides benefits for the planet. Likewise, it is a vector of energy (it stores the energy first by other means).

In Uruguay, "hydrogen" is a possibility, within the framework of the energy matrix change, to see if renewable energies can be used in new sectors, "said Guillermo Moncecchi, undersecretary at l '. Industry, Energy and Mining.

He confirmed that the study of this new possibility would be in charge of his ministry and the ANCAP.

He also stressed that the energy sector of our country is at the forefront of the world.

For her part, ANCAP President Marta Jara also stressed that the Uruguayan energy matrix "is one of the most remarkable in the world for the variety of renewable energies".

He stated that "hydrogen is ideal for transport and is a vector capable of storing what is produced by other renewable energies".

He added that during the night "all renewable energy generated in the country is not used and, therefore, the option of hydrogen would allow storage".

"ANCAP is interested in the option of hydrogen because it is an ideal energy for transport, which can be managed with infrastructure similar to that of other liquid fuels" , did he declare.


Jara clarified that the study of the possibilities of hydrogen in Uruguay "is not incompatible with the exploration of oil research, because in the context of the transition of energy products observed in the world, in a few years, each economic sector will be able to select the fuel of your choice ".

He stressed that Uruguay should "try to maintain as much supply as possible".

He confirmed the approval of the terms of the next round of business for crude oil exploration.

He also assured that the prospects of "commercial concretization" are better with a price of a barrel of oil located between 70 and 80 dollars.

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