They reveal the atrocities of the Nazi concentration camp


GERMANY.- A 94-year-old former soldier appeared in court on Tuesday accused of complicity in murders of murders committed in the country. Stutthof Nazi Concentration Camp.

According to the debate, a 94-year-old ex-Nazi soldier was tried in Germany on Tuesday, charged with complicity in murder for crimes committed during his years as guardian at the Nazi concentration camp at Stutthof.

Johann Rehbogen is accused of working as a guard in the countryside east of Danzig, today the Polish city of Gdansk, from June 1942 to September 1944.

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There is no evidence to associate him with any particular crime, but more than 60,000 people were killed at Stutthof and prosecutors claim that in his capacity as guardian he was accomplice of hundreds of dead.

Stutthof prisoners died in a gas chamber by means of gasoline or phenol injections into the heart or a bullet in the fire. They were deprived of food and tossed naked under the stars in the middle of the winter until they died of cold, said prosecutor Andreas Brendel.

The ex-Sturmmann, or SS non-commissioned officer, does not deny having been on the ground during the war, but assures that he did not participate in the killings and that he did not Was not aware of it.

The Rehbogen's lawyer, Andreas TinklHe said his client would make a statement at the Muenster state court trial, which was due to be completed in January, but he did not know when he would do it.

Rehbogen lives in the municipality of Borken, near the Dutch border. Given their age and health, the sessions will last a maximum of two hours and not more than two consecutive days per week. Since he was under the age of 21 at the time of the offense, he is tried by a juvenile court.

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