Trump says that there is no scheduled meeting with Putin during his visit to Paris


US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that no meeting is scheduled in Paris with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, with which he will coincide with the commemorations of the end of the First World War on November 11.

"I think President Putin will be here, we have nothing programmed," he said at a press conference at the White House. "I do not think we have anything planned in Paris and I will go back quickly," he added.

This Wednesday in Moscow, Yuri Ushakov, told the Russian news agency Ria Novosti that it had been agreed that the Russian and American leaders "speak briefly in Paris, it is about an informal contact ".

Trump had already warned this week that it was "unlikely" to meet his Russian counterpart in Paris. However, he announced that they would meet at the G20 summit in Argentina in late November.

The first bilateral meeting between the two leaders took place in Helsinki in July. After which the US president has been criticized for his conciliatory tone despite warnings from his security services regarding Russia's complaints of interference in the 2016 elections. (11/07/2018)

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