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Often, the simplest solution to all our problems is to take a pill. Not only when something hurts, but even when we want to increase our abilities, the temptation to take a pill – a nootropic drug, for example – is always latent. However, the actual solution or the way to improve our capabilities can rarely be supported by a drug or supplement.

Although many substances are sold to improve memory, the scientific results are mixed and there is no accepted test with full consensus. However, there is consensus on the following activities and food (and, as we know, food is the best medicine). The following list is based on research by David DiSalvo, science journalist Scientific America.

1. exercise

This exercise is certainly what enjoys the best reputation among the scientific community as a tool to improve memory. One study showed that even a few minutes of light exercise – starting at 10 minutes – had significant consequences on mnemonic performance, which is great news. Exercise improves the connectivity between the areas of the brain responsible for coding new mnemonic episodes.

2. sleep and nap

As it should be obvious, the health of the brain is largely dependent on good sleep, and this is especially true of memory. People who sleep little or wake up several times during the night generally suffer a proportional memory loss. Among the functions of the dream, which never cease to be mysterious, is precisely that of consolidating memory. In several surveys, it has been proven that short naps of about 30 minutes also had positive effects.

3. meditation

The way meditation improves memory goes through the culture of attention and, at the same time, attention improves memory. This is something that can be corroborated by reading a book: if we read only the words, distracted or thinking of something else, it is very likely that after reading we remember what it was from what we read. On the other hand, if we are able to maintain a fixed and intense focus, we will be able to remember content, whole sentences and master the meaning of the text much better. In addition, it is thought that meditation can improve our cognition in general by making it more flexible and fluid. Generally, 8 weeks are cited as the period after which the benefits of meditation begin to be significant.

4. drink coffee or tea

Although countless studies contradict the benefits of coffee and tea on health, there is a consensus that they can be beneficial for long-term memory. A study from Johns Hopkins University found that people who drank coffee the day before a cognitive test had better results than those who did not drink it.

5. Foods with high flavonoid content

Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory compounds found in plants that could play an important role in cancer prevention. In particular, blueberries have a high concentration of these metabolites and cocoa is another good option.

6. Feel the essential oil of rosemary

Popular wisdom that is confirmed. I've already felt Shakespeare:

There is rosemary, it's for the memory: pray, love, remember.

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