A 5-year-old girl witnessed her mother's fire


This happened in La Matanza. The girl saw how her mother's partner brutally murdered him.

Erica Daiana Quinteros She was 23 years old when she was murdered in La fererre, in La Matanza party. The accused's partner will be on the dock. His little girl saw him burned on the floor. She testified in front of Gesell's camera and her mother is waiting for justice. The trial begins on December 3 and the accused says he is innocent.

"On January 24, 2017, they went to dinner and came back late, not telling you what time, and Fabián sent him to sleep at night. CandelariaNahuel, the son of both, who was very baby, was 8 months old, "he says to the victim's mother, Antonia Velazquez, in relation to the accused Fabian Oscar Sánchez, who is imprisoned in Florencio Varela.

"When Cande woke up, there was smoke and his mother was burned to the ground, he doused it with thinner and set it on fire, but according to him, it was s & # 39; It is burned, "says Antonia.Luisa, who is Fabian's mother, took the children out of the house and took them home next door. The next day, my daughter is dead. He was hospitalized with burns to his arms and chest. The doctor complained and followed the whole process of gender-based violence. He was arrested on February 8, while leaving the hospital, "says the woman who is part of the group of parents crossed by the Femicide.

Erica Daiana Quinteros She was 23 years old when she was murdered in La fererre, in La Matanza party. The accused's partner will be on the dock. His little girl saw him burned on the floor. She testified in front of Gesell's camera and her mother is waiting for justice. The trial begins on December 3 and the accused says he is innocent.

"On January 24, 2017, they went to dinner and came back late, not telling you what time, and Fabián sent him to sleep at night. Candelaria, who was 5 years old at that time. Nahuelthe son of both, who was very baby, was 8 months old, "he says Chronic the mother of the victim, Antonia Velázquez, in relation to the accused Fabian Oscar Sánchez, who is imprisoned in Florencio Varela.

"When Cande woke up, there was smoke and his mother was burned to the ground, he doused it with thinner and set it on fire, but according to him, it was s & # 39; It is burned, "says Antonia. "Luisa, who is Fabian's mother, took the children out of the house and took them home next door. The next day, my daughter is dead. He was hospitalized with burns to his arms and chest. The doctor complained and followed the whole process of gender-based violence. He was arrested on February 8, while leaving the hospital, "says the woman who is part of the group of parents crossed by the Femicide.

"My daughter was very independent, she wanted to have her home, her family, that was what she dreamed about, I always thought that it was not for her, he was a Drinker and almost when it happened, I discovered that he was also using cocaine.I did not know it, but he beat her in October 2017 when I was in. I saw that she had a scar on the right eyebrow.He had hit her and she had replied, "nothing is wrong, that's all." Cande told me that he was still touching and she was staring at the wall, "he recalls distressed.

"It was a violent relationship. My daughter never made a report and she never told me anything, "explains Antonia, who lives with Candelaria and asks for the possession of the baby who is with the paternal grandmother.

"Cande in Cámara Gesell recounted how he found his mother and the violence to which she had been subjected," says Antonia. "My daughter has always had a big smile, it is very painful, I am still fighting and I will not stop before justice is done for my beloved daughter," said the mother, who hopes that justice will be done.

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