Buying "tickets" can hurt your health


Recipes made with "thermal paper", which lose their impression over time, are potential causes of serious hormonal disorders.

A study conducted by the University of Granada (UGR) in Spain found that a high percentage of purchase "tickets" contain substances that can cause hormonal diseases, such as genital malformations. urinary tract, infertility, obesity and cancer, especially of the breast.

According to the researchers, most of these tickets or receipts, "made from" thermal paper ", contain bisphenol-A (BPA), a known endocrine disruptor that alters hormonal balance in exposed individuals" and leads to the evils mentioned.

Specialists from the Institute for Phytosanitary Research of Granada (ibs.GRANADA) and the San Cecilio University Hospital in Granada also participated in the research. Paris Descartes University and Necker Children's Hospital, Paris (France), and the National School of Public Health in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

The researchers studied 112 "tickets" from the three countries of origin. Nicolás Olea, professor of medicine at the UGR, explained that "these receipts lose the print over time" and that "all you find is a fine white powder that comes off when you remove them from your purse ". This powder, he said, is exactly BPA.

"We can recognize this type of paper because, if we approach a source of heat, for example a match, it darkens instantly," adds the researcher.

Do not collect tickets with food

According to the study, 90% of revenues collected in Spain and Brazil contain BPA; while in the case of France, only half, because measures have been taken since 2014, says the Report21.

"The bad thing is that the French alternative seems to be the BPS (bisphenol-S), which we found mainly in the recipes of this country and rarely in the Spanish and the Brazilians," said Olea, adding that this Another compound "is also an endocrine disruptor, with a greater persistence of the environment and, therefore, can not be a valid option".

While waiting for regulatory action, researchers recommend not mixing the tickets with food, or "playing with them, or crumpling them to throw them away, writing notes or keeping them in the car, hand or purse, "says the researcher.

"We must, ultimately, handle as little as possible this type of notes," he said.

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