CDMX Eliminates Renewal of Birth Certificate as a Prerequisite for Performing Procedures


From this week, in mexico the requirement renew birth certificates every three months to perform proceedings in different outbuildings, announced the head of the government of the capital, Claudia Sheinbaum.

The circular is published tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest, so that citizens know that, if they were born in Mexico, they do not need to renew their birth certificate every three months. In the case of any official who has asked for the minutes with a period of three months, there would be an administrative penalty, we will launch a program to disseminate it so that the public knows that it should not be required in all registers , civil registration offices In short, so that the public knows, the Treasury, etc. ", informed Sheinbaum.

Accompanied by the head of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation in Mexico City, José Merino, they said that 111 procedures required the submission of a birth certificate dating less than three months.

This represented 180,000 times a year a citizen who had to renew his birth certificate for various reasons.

Now, the oldest birth certificates can be presented if they are in good condition.

After the screening of the film & # 39; Rome & # 39; in Lake Chapultepec, the head of the government of Mexico, expressed his opinion on the film Alfonso Cuarón.

Yes, I liked it a lot, I think it's a picture of Mexico from this time, but in many ways the theme of working from home is also visible in the movie and I think that It is fundamental, in particular, part of the Ministry of Labor's program concerning the rights of women working at home, "he said.

He pointed out that the municipal government was already working on two runner recovery projects, which will start from the Glorieta de Insurgentes in Liège, an area bordering the Roma neighborhood.

With information from Cynthia Marín


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