A 10-month-old baby suffers from a violinist spider bite in Acaponeta, Nayarit


* Secretary of Health, Víctor Quiroga, reports that there is a necrosis (dead tissue) on the toes of the child's left foot

Writing / El Sol of Nayarit [19659003A10-month-oldbabywasurgentlyadmittedtoTepicGeneralHospitalaftersufferingthebiteofaviolinspideronJuly15inthemunicipalityofAcaponetaNayarit

The boy named Kevin Cataño Martínez, is in the pediatric critical care unit, in critical condition, it even appeared that he had suffered several cardiac arrests as a result of late care by the doctors.

Tonight, the Minister of Health, Víctor Quiroga, reported that even though the antidote called Reclusmyn has already arrived to the City of Tepic to apply to the child, there is a necrosis ( dead tissue) on the toes of his left foot and the circulation is compromising, one of the complications of the bite of this spider. [19] 659005] The official trusted that "the application of the antidote it is possible to save his leg. The violinist spider is considered to be the most dangerous spider of the genus Loxocele because its prick often causes severe local and systemic reactions and even death.

According to specialized reports, the bite of this spider is considered very dangerous to humans, since its venom is more potent than that of a black widow spider, since it dissolves the tissues and causes the cell death.

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