A 10-year-old girl has a baby stamped on her head; Now he faces his trial


Nail girl of 10 years face your test by homicide.

The minor is accused of murderafter having repeatedly trampled the Head d & # 39; a baby in a daycare Chippewa, Wisconsin, USA, the past October 30.

Yesterday, wearing a floral dress, pink shoes and a leather belt around the hip, the girl appeared before Chippewa County Court to start your test for him murder of the baby of six months.

Accused homicide between tears

Throughout the hearing, the girlwhose identity has not been revealed, she cried profusely, witnesses said. It was ordered to be retained in a detention center during the ongoing investigation.

Wade Newell, prosecutorHe stressed that the girl has been accused of intentional homicide in the first degree and that the case will go from one cut of adults to one juvenile short term.

The process started in adult court because it is established by law, at least in the beginning. "You have to treat him like an adult" has explained Newell.

In the town of Tilden, last Tuesday, October 30 afternoon, there was the girl and the baby in nursery, with several other children.

From crying to murder

The baby barely a semester of life he had been cry for several minutes, which bothered the 10-year-old girl, so she took it, fell to the ground and he stomped his head several timesleaving you wounds which led to his the death.

When the staff of the nursery he realized and reported, a emergency team went to the scene and found the baby bleeding from the head.

He was immediately taken to a hospital close and then it was transferred from the air to the hospital Gillette Children & # 39; s Specialty Health Care, in St.Paul.

"The baby present trauma supported in your Head and he was declared death November 1st "shared Newell.

The investigators interviewed four people who were in the nursery during the aggression. And the girl he said that he panicked Hearing that the baby's crying did not stop.

The Judge James Isaacson a fixed bail of 50 thousand dollars.


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