A 3-year-old boy is attacked with acid in a shop


A 3-year-old boy was badly burned when he was attacked with acid in Britain, authorities said.

Forget a three-year-old boy by bus and he dies of heat

Discount store at Worcester according to the information of the local police chief, Mark Travis . A 39-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of having participated in the attack.

Police also released images of security cameras, showing three other men allegedly involved in the attack, or they could provide

  alleged involvement in the attack of a boy from 3 years
The alleged involved in the crime (Twitter / WMerciaPolice)

The alleged involved in the crime (Twitter / WMerciaPolice).

The child recovers in the hospital, where he is treated for severe burns to the arms and face.

The police asked the population to give information about the case.

"At this moment we consider it to be an intentional attack, this incident will, of course, surprise the local community, and we want to promise that we are conducting a thorough investigation," Travis said.

According to local media reports, police have reported an increase in the number of acid attacks this year. but they claim that it is quite rare for the victim to be a child.

British police were informed of similar attacks, but related to gang brawls and clashes in nightclubs

. London, but they have also been reported in other places in Britain. In London, a young man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being found guilty of spraying acid on the faces of motorcyclists in order to steal them.

With information from AP.

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