A 3-year-old girl is caught in a washing machine


A woman from Colorado, United States, told her story on social networks about how her 3-year-old daughter was trapped in her washing machine, according to information from Univision.

Lindsey Mclver shared the story on Facebook to educate parents about the potential danger.

In the publication that has been shared more than 300 thousand times since last July 11, it is written that the mother of three children of 3, 4 and 6 years old decided to buy, with her husband, the latest innovation in terms of washing.

When the sophisticated machine arrived home, the children noticed the door of the appliance, which opened easily, so the parents warned them to stay away [19659004]. On Tuesday we woke up crying my 4 year old son who could barely speak. While I was trying to decipher what my son was saying, my husband jumped out of bed and went down the stairs and it was then that he understood what he was trying to tell us : Kloe, inside, washing machine, "said the woman who feared to share. his story was the victim of criticism and accusations in the networks

When the minor's parents arrived at the laundry, they noticed that the minor was not not only stuck inside, but that in addition, the machine was running and filled with water.

The little girl was able to get out of the washing machine with only a few bruises.

Although this type of appliances is generally provided, the parents mentioned that they have never prevented the dangers that the machine could represent. They therefore recommended to those who have young children to make sure that their washing machine is specific for children.

In the more than 80,000 messages this story has received, mothers and fathers across the country have been grateful that Lindsey Mclver shared her story to warn them of potential dangers.

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